An ICC profile will enable you to maximise the print quality and reproduce accurately the original colours, by calibrating the printer settings prior to printing.
Because each paper has a slightly different shade, surface structure and reacts differently, it is important that you use the ICC profile that is specifically designed for this paper.
We use the X-Rite Eye One iSis one of the most advanced readers in the market place combined with i1 publish software.
They can be used in any ICC aware software program, popular software includes Photoshop CS5, Photoshop CS4, Photoshop CS3, Photoshop Elements 8, Photoshop Elements 6, Photoshop Elements 5
Our step by step guides are easy to use and follow and can be found here. We recommend printing the target chart with the adobe printer utility application as it is the easiest and shortest method.
We have also included guides for printing from Photoshop. Please select the appropriate link.